Catholic Mass Handbook for Blondes

Hold up – I’m just kidding!!! I’m a blonde, I get to make those jokes, right?! LOL 🙂

I’m publishing a 4-part series on the Catholic Mass, inspired in part by Bishop Robert Barron (Catholic Mass Bible Study Series) and watching my daughter go through Confirmation classes.

So far, I have 3 post ready for you to check out after watching my video.

Pt. 1: Catholic Mass Handbook: We don’t say that anymore? I attended a wonderful “Teaching Mass” recently, for the first time. It was truly eye-opening. As it enveloped, I looked around and felt immediately inspired to write a “Catholic Mass Handbook” series. Click here.

Pt. 2: Catholic Mass Handbook: Etiquette for today’s Catholic. There exists simple Mass etiquette that will hands down, guarantee you get the most out of worship. Just like anything else in life, there is a way to doing things so to yield maximum results. Holy Mass is no different. Click here.

Pt. 3: Catholic Mass Handbook: Tell me why… “Tell me why…” a solid and confident question children often ask and yet it makes adults feel so very vulnerable. For me, it’s a natural segue into really understanding a subject, especially in the case of getting the most out of Mass. The more I ask, the more I learn. Click here.

Attending Catholic Mass is an important part of who we are as His children. And it can be confusing, daunting if you’re not a “regular.” Not to worry, I’m here to help you along the way.

Thank you and God’s peace to YOU 🙂 xoxo Grace