Sunshine Blogger Award: A Sunny Nomination Story
Imagine my surprise to find myself immersed in a Twitter blogger community overnight and be nominated for an award shortly thereafter!
My first blogger award nomination: Sunshine Blogger Award and I’m beside myself!
Of course, if you’re an experienced blogger you’re probably thinking “slow down there Grace, blogger award nominations are an every day occurrence in Twitterlandia, don’t over think it.” But hey, can you blame a girl for getting excited about some social media visibility? After all, the end game here is self-sustainability.

Let’s begin by sending a big Texas size thank you to Lasonia, her Lifestyle Blog and chat up the back story here.
A little history about the “Sunshine Blogger Award.” It was created to showcase all those inspiring, creative and uplifting bloggers out there.
Essentially, it’s a big virtual thumbs up to so many talented and dedicated bloggers with a few general rules to keep this award alive and kicking:
- Thank the blogger who nominated you in your blog post and link back to her/his blog.
- Answer the questions the blogger asked you.
- Nominate 11 new bloggers to receive the award, give them 11 questions you have chosen.
- List the rules, display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post on your blog.
So, let’s get busy and dig into Lasonia’s questions for me:
- What is one word that best describes your personality? Bubbly.
- What is your favorite comfort food? A big pot of lentil soup.
- Morning person or night owl? Night owl all day long!
- What is your favorite season? Spring.
- Coffee or tea? Yes. LOL.
- How do you unwind after a long day? I listed to EWTV on my commute home – Catholic Radio.
- If money was no object, what would be your dream vacation? Bora Bora, quiet cabana over water, no electricity, pen and paper to blog.
- What prompted your blogging journey? Great question! Was always a writer; but, recently went on a Women’s Catholic ACTS Retreat and fell back in love with Jesus. I felt a burning desire to tell the world about my journey and then some.
- Who or what inspires you? So many things inspire me. Honestly, right now it’s my own journey and seeing the hand of God everywhere.
- What was your favorite childhood toy? Barbie!!!
- What is the last book you read? The Art of Happiness – interview of the Dalai Lama. Inspiring and life changing.
And so here are my 11 nominations:
- @JaimeNelsonW
- @ishaccordingly
- @tarheelfit
- @PrayerForPriest
- @CaffAndConquer
- @PLVerratti
- @sjsoftware
- @olielo_travels
- @ssouthernlife
- @Akankshas_Tweet
- @100bedtimestory
And my questions to the new nominees:
- As a child, what was your dream job?
- As an adult, how did that dream change?
- Tell me about an “aha moment”.
- One celebrity you’d love to meet.
- Sushi or sush-no? (LOL)
- Beach or mountains?
- Sunday mimosas or coffee?
- Eight is Enough or Full House?
- Kindle (or the like) or good old fashion book? And why?
- Are you comfortable talking religion?
- If so, what is your belief system?

Again a shout out to Lasonia and her Lifestyle Blog!! Check her out and the nominees listed above! As bloggers, we all win if one of us does. Let’s support each other.
Leave me a comment below and share your thoughts! Have you been nominated before?

Thank you for participating! It’s a pleasure to get to know more about you Grace.
Ditto Lasonia! What a great way to build a community!