Versatile Blogger Award: When you’re flagged for inspiring someone
What are these blogger awards all about?
Nancy from “My Everyday Challenges” nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award citing, “you inspire me everyday and I am honored to call you friend.” Then shortly thereafter, Alaskan Airlines Flight Attendant, Girl on the Fly nominated me for the Mystery Blogger Award! Wow!
Guys. I’ve been blogging officially now for less than a year and these are my third and fourth blogging awards. I feel so blessed and grateful!
What Does this All Mean?
Award nominations are an outward sign that you have arrived, you belong to something greater than “just being a blogger.” Above all, it validates that you are not alone. You are part of a growing community.
In “Blogging Secret Sauce,” I wrote about the importance of networking. Blogging should not be a one-man-show. Consequently, finding your tribe should be job 1, strengthen your purpose as you begin to find wonderful people to connect with.
This virtual family becomes a constant source of support and inspiration. Personally, I can’t tell you how many times I logged on feeling “off” and found some wonderful message from a virtual blogger friend.
Is why I love these nominations! The best things in life begin with a connection.
How Blogger Awards Work
As the recipient of the Versatile Blogger Award, I am to begin by thanking the person who nominated me, share seven things about myself and then nominate 15 bloggers for the award. Not a difficult task and quite fun!
Nancy is the epitome of who you will find out there in bloggerlandia. Not only is she an articulate, gifted writer, she is kind. You tend to forget that you’ve never met in person. If you’re not following her, you’re truly missing out. Check out her blog and Twitter account!
Seven Things About Me You May Not Know
? I ran my first half-marathon at 49! I’d been enjoying a long hiatus from the healthy life when I saw a friend shed another human being and run a half-marathon in record time. I was in awe and 100% inspired. Six months later I ran The Rock & Roll in San Antonio, Texas and ranked within the top percentiles for my age and gender. My official time: 2:28:38; my pace was recorded at 11:11. The universe was watching. This would mark the beginning to the end of who I had become. A new goddess was emerging!
? And so, soon there after I got my first tattoo – also at 49! I had been toying with the idea for sometime. I designed a tat that I would share with my two closest friends. Three joined triangles, two opened signifying open to change. Three triangles representing so many things important to me: three beautiful children, Father/Son/Holy Spirit, past/present/future, mind/body/spirit, I am one of three friends, there are only three of us left in my family (mother, brother and me), etc. The number three is a repeating theme in my life.
? I’m on my 6th passport, a total travel junkie. A military brat that feeds on cultural diversity. In other words, I may be a Gypsy at heart!
? I am a mother to three beautiful mini-mes Mike, Max, Isabella and two furry babies, a snowshoe, Luna and black cat, Jack. In summary, I am the modern face of a Cat Lady!
? I once owned and operated a private “after” in Barcelona, Spain. Guest lists and the like. No details here to protect the innocent. LOL.
? I speak 3 languages: English, Spanish and Catalan. My Catalan is a little rough these days since my move to Texas. However, I practice every summer when I’m home.
? In the 90s I was the 10:00 p.m. Weather News Anchor for Noticiero 60, KVDA, Telemundo! Ha! Didn’t see that coming, did you?! Those were the days. We were local celebs. Went to charity events, signed autographs and I even earned a guest interview spot in the Spanish Magazine, Vanidades, edition 25, the year was 1992 and yes, I still have a copy or two. ?
My nominees for the Versatile Blogger Award are:
Today, I’m taking a different approach. I’m nominating a few new bloggers that just started following me. I follow these guys back and so should you. Here, you’ll find a mixture of travel, God, momming and everything in between:
- Chip Williamson @ChipWilliamson2
- Steve | The (other) C Word – @othercword
- Emily Mae Hood – @EmilyMaeHood
- Lisa J Fletcher – @lisafletcher07
- Megan & Crystal – @ginger_mom17
- Michael Jaques – Author @JaquesMichael
- Eefje D. ? – @eefiesmess
- Natalie Rose Edwards – @Natalieroseblog
- Traveler Darshan – @travelerdarshan
- Tiffany Noth – @TiffanyNoth
- Tiaras & Tantrums – @tiarastantrums
- A Woman’s Confidence – @awcblogsarah
- Bloggy Conference – @BloggyCon
- Tracy Kaler – @TracyKaler
- Alice Mills – @millsalice144
August 15, 2018 December 19, 2018 Feb. 8, 2019
Sunshine Blogger Award ? Blogger Recognition Award
If you’re new to the blogger award life, check out my last nominations and see what the fuss is all about. True, we lead busy lives, add in our weekly “normal” posting goals and it can be a little overwhelming. Trust me and set aside time to take part in these fun threads, you won’t regret it.
Am I the only one that geeks out over these things? Or have you been nominated for a blogger award too? Tell me all about it the comment section below; I love hearing from you!

Thanks for sharing. I read many of your blog posts, cool, your blog is very good.
Thank you so much for nominating me! I really appreciate it!
Lots of love!
You’re so welcome! Can’t wait to read all about you 🙂