25 Days of Blogmas 2018, Day 14

Blogger Spotlight: Meet Erriel

On the fourteenth day of Blogmas
my true love sent to me: 
Day 14: Meet Erriel
Day 13: Meet Angeli
Day 12: Meet Javi
Day 11: Meet Girl on the Fly
Day 10: Meet Stephanie
Day 9: Meet Natasha
Day 8: Blogger Spotlight
Day 7: Never Ever
Day 6: New Years Resolutions
5 Favorite Things!!
Day 4: Stocking Stuffers
Day 3: Holiday Getaways
Day 2: All Things Advent
and a Posting Explaining to Thee

Today I am super excited to introduce to you Texas’ very own Erriel 
@TheDailyErriel ! There quite nothing like good ‘ole southern charm so settle into your most comfy chair and read on….

Friends Christmas Gift Guide

Friends…they are like your soul sibs you’ve always wished for and sometimes we simply can’t say thank you enough for all they do. Well let me tell you I think the world of my friends and every chance I get I show my gratitude. My friends are also my family!

 I have come to realize that gift giving to friends can be a tad bit difficult simply because you try to think about everyone in one. Problem is…all your friends don’t like the same things and are completely different people! Once you think about each friend individually gift giving becomes so much easier not just for yourself but also your pockets!

Disclaimer: This post contains some affiliate links. This means that we will be providing some recommendations. Selecting those will not cost you a penny more, just helps fund our dreams.

Based on my small group of friends, I present to you my Friends Christmas Gift Guide! Everything in my collection is under $50 & reflects one or more friends.

Keep your hooves warm and cozy with these slipper boots from Macy’s! (on sale for $40)

Now this one if for my PREGNANT friend! I can’t leave her out of this guide! Being a second time mommy can be stressful, but the perfect relaxing gift basket can solve many problems!

Believe it or not I have a friend who is going through a “marble stage.” ANYTHING marble is a good idea! ( Etsy Shop: The Shed Outlet $13.06+)
When in doubt gift a warm fuzzy blanket! Keep your friends warm with a cute blanket and why not put their name on it?! (Etsy Shop: EmbroideryStation1: $30)
Two friends fit this gift because they are proud owners of James Avery charm bracelets! Why buy them a charm when you can let them choose with their James Avery Gift Card?
If you have a friend who loves the moon and stars, like I do, then this gift is AWESOME! You get the outside moon feeling right in your bedroom! (Amazon: $33.99)

Meet the girl behind the blog, The Daily Erriel

Hello to all! My name is Erriel JD & I am a Texas lifestyle and fashion blogger.

I created my blog space in college a few years ago and have loved it ever since!

My blog has been through 2 names with ”The Daily Erriel” being the second and PERMANENT name!

Funny story…I’m an education major but I love to blog about my style and lifestyle!

One word to describe myself & blog: OPEN! Open to new ideas and people!

Social Media Links:

Blog: https://thedailyerriel.wordpress.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thedailyerriel/?hl=en

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheDailyErriel?lang=en

Email: ejlchronicles@gmail.com

Happy Holidays, Happy Blogmas!

What are you wrapping up for you friends this holiday season? I can tell you my friends are all wrapped and tied up tight! Let us know in the comments!  

(Pstt Don’t forget to subscribe so that you don’t miss any of my Blogmas stories)

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