50 of the Most CREATIVE Lent Ideas!

Unsure how to get closer to God this Lent? I have 50 creative ideas to spice up your Lenten Season!

Lent has deep spiritual significance. We contemplate the events leading up to the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus: a journey into the desert for 40 days leading up to His crucifixion.

It’s a powerful time. We make ourselves available to Him and amazing things happen.

Cristians all over the world sync up during this time. We give up certain luxuries to replicate His suffering and reflect on our own mortality. This is our Lenten sacrifice.

50 Creative Lent Ideas

And yet, year over year it’s so easy to get caught up in the same spiritual rut. On Ash Wednesday, we’re still undecided on how to approach Lent.

We don’t know what to give up. And we have no idea what Godly addition our lives need.

Is exactly why I wrote this post. With YOU and ME in mind.

Here are 25 ideas of what to give up and another 25 ideas of what to add this Lent.

25 Things to Give Up

Jesus fasted for 40 days in the desert and resisted Satan’s multiple attempts to tempt Him. The ultimate sacrifice was His crucifixion as He died for our sins, our salvation.

Is why each year we observe this solemn time. We give up luxuries in our lives to mirror these events and to put Christ first.

Here are 25 creative lent ideas:

  1. Change up your commute – replace your usual radio station choice with KLOVE
  2. Or.. drive in silence
  3. How about general quiet time – set out a specific time of day to just unplug from the world and re-plug into Him
  4. No electronic day (TVs, cell phones, etc.)
  5. Have a no social media day
  6. And please… NO filters on social media day!
  7. No make-up
  8. Complete fast on Fridays
  9. Get up 30 minutes earlier
  10. Donate 40 items in 40 days!
  11. Stop complaining about the “usual” (work, spouse, etc.)
  12. Give up negativity, in general!
  13. You’re on a roll, so stop gossiping
  14. Park your car for 40 days and either commute or check out public transportation
  15. Give up Starbucks, make your own coffee!
  16. No fast food!
  17. Commit to being nice to that person you don’t necessarily get along with; go out of your way and make it count!
  18. Say no to anything with an adult “r” rating
  19. Avoid single-use plastic (and plastic in general ) – tip provided by Kathy Lee from Baby Boomer Super Saver
  20. Don’t buy anything you don’t need and give the saved money to the needy
  21. Buy extra food for an empty plate at home and donate it to shelter
  22. Talking about what you’re giving up as a way to draw attention!
  23. Treat your body as the temple that it is – work out, get healthy!
  24. Give up the elevator use and walk those stairs
  25. And last but not least – the most creative moment: give up your bed – sleep on the floor!

25 Things to Do During Lent

The best compliment to self-denial is spiritual nourishment! Try these 25 ideas to get closer to God during Lent.

  1. Daily Gospel reading
  2. Daily Bible / spiritual journaling
  3. Start a “Gratitude” list – add one new thing each day
  4. Add a specific moment of silence daily
  5. Spend some time each week in Eucharistic Adoration, your church bulletin has a schedule
  6. Write 40 love letters to different people in your lives (this idea came from my daughter, she inspires me daily)
  7. Rotating fast – something my daughter and I are doing: Alternate Day Fast, click here for more information
  8. Try out Pureflix – Christian streaming channel (unpaid plug btw)
  9. How about a take on “Project 333” – Project 2040, restrict yourself to 20 items of clothes for 40 days
  10. Create a “Lenten” wardrobe – a few simple looks for a more demure Godly, less vain appearance
  11. Charity work – give back! Check your Church bulletin for suggestions
  12. Pray the Rosary every day
  13. Start an “8 Hugs a Day” campaign – also click here
  14. Spiritually adopt a struggling co-worker
  15. Spiritually adopt someone from your parish who is preparing to receive the sacraments of initiation this Easter
  16. Only read Godly/spiritual non-fiction
  17. Learn about some “random Saint” you have never heard of (type that exactly into Google)
  18. De-clutter your house… de-clutters your mind and spirit!
  19. Forgive those who have offended you or your loved ones and then pray for them
  20. Plan a retreat!
  21. Or, if you haven’t… attend an ACTS retreat!
  22. Go on a pilgrimage – different from a retreat, involves travel
  23. Daily Mass is always a wonderful option; but, if this is too difficult – try going twice a week, including Sunday
  24. Add weekly confession to your Lenten calendar!
  25. Practice mindfulness ” – “The secret of happiness is to live moment by moment & to thank God for all that He, in His goodness, sends to us day after day.” – St Gianna Molla

If you liked any of the creative Lent ideas I mentioned, I may just have written a few posts you’ll be interested in reading:

50 Prayer Prompts – Ideas for journaling

5 Best Christian Books – My favs, hope you’ll agree!

Bible Verses You Need to Know – There are 4 listed, let me know if we have any in common

Ultimate Guide to Catholic Mass – I wrote several posts covering the ins and outs of Mass, this is a summary

Soul Makeover – How to get closer to God in just 3 simple steps!

Lenten Season Guide – If you have a ton of questions, you’re not alone and I can help 🙂

I’d love to hear if you have tried any of these Lenten ideas —- or if you have a quirky one of your own. Leave me a comment below. You know I love hearing from you!

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