10 Questions: Finding my best self, part 1
Who would of thought that answering 50 questions could help one find their best self. Apparently, a few of my virtual friends do.
And guess who is at the root of it all? Lauren Duclos, my favorite Pinterest Maven.
Her post “50 Questions to Find Your Best Self” is a great way to get you out of a slump and focused on some self-healing. The questions are simple, yet thought provoking.
And in my opinion, a fun way to explore what makes one happy!
Personally, I’m a pretty happy camper. Am excited to gather my thoughts and share them with you! But, let’s do this a little bit at a time, don’t want to scare you off! 😉
Disclaimer: I’m not a psychiatrist, psychologist or any other medical -ist. You may want to consult a licensed professional if you truly feel unhappy, unmotivated, depressed and the like.

Q1: What do I love about my life?
I love absolutely EVERYTHING about my life. Well, except that damn scale! It’s taken my metabolism hostage.
Seriously though, I’m blessed with so many things: great kiddos, endearing friendships, wonderful job, good health, snarky humor.. LOL 🤣
God is the glue to my happiness.
Knowing I am the daughter of a King affords me the luxury to be my best self every day! He is what I love about my life!
Q2: What do I feel like my life is missing and how can I get more of what I need?
Honestly, I’m short on time. I feel like I need another 5 hours added to each day.
Okay, let’s round that up. Imagine 30 hours in a day?!
What I need to do is turn Netflix, Amazon Prime and Hulu off. Then maybe I can get back a couple of hours of my life back a day.
Q3: Where do I want to be in 5 years?
Easiest question yet!
In 5 years, I’ll be back home in sunny Spain. Barcelona, to be exact.
Q4: Who are the people in my life that make me the happiest?
My children make my heart go “pitter-patter”!
Isabella is my youngest – 17 and a little business woman in the making. She is a GREAT example of how faith moves mountains! So proud of her. ♡
Max is my middle son, the antithesis to the proverbial “middle child”. He’s 20 but an old soul. And that “yes, Mommy” attitude has yielded him some pretty good results. ♡
Michael, my oldest. The prodigal son. Gasp – he’s 30! I’m the mother of a 30 year-old… feels like yesterday I was dating 30 year olds! 🤣 In all seriousness, Mikey is fearless and I love that about him❣
Q5: When am I the happiest version of me?
Without a doubt, I am my happiest when I am in Barcelona with family and friends.
Q6: What do I love doing?
Hands down, I love to travel. Am on my 6th passport and finally got “Global Entry”! So very worth it!
I LOVE reading, praying, going to church, writing, TV show binging, running and not necessarily all in that order. 🙂
Q7: What am I afraid to do?
Not a dang thing!
Q8: Can I improve on any of my daily habits?
Praying the Holy Rosary is a personal commitment of mine. But to be honest, it’s a hit or miss with me lately. It’s my intention to pray daily, nightly, in fact. And yet, sometimes I really don’t prioritize my day well.
Welcome to my busy life, the Catholic 24/7 life.
Watch this cool little YouTube video. Over 500 views and I chat a little about being a 24/7 Catholic.
Q9: What steps am I taking to reach my goals?
To reach your goals, they have to be old school SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely! You have to write them down and refer to them daily, weekly.
So, I got this great Catholic planner to help me along the way.
Only problem is, I’m just not used to having a physical planner. Consequently, it’s taking some adjusting.
Q10: What makes me upset?
Patience is not one of my virtues.
I’m rather impatient. I pray about that a lot – so, check back with me on this one.
So, a lot of silly things annoy me. Things like: talking in church, sombreros in the movies, people that honk and race past you only to end up by you at the light, noise referenced as “music”, constant anti-gov stuff on Facebook (take the moaning to Twitter please), everyone is a winner let’s hand out trophies….
I’ll stop.
So, what do you think? Ready to take the quiz?
I recently interviewed Rebecca T. for my “Blogger Spotlight” and came across this little gem of a post, also promoting 50 questions to self love. Click here and read her responses, for part 3.
Gosh, I hope I was able to put a smile on your face! You should totally join us in this challenge. Break up the questions like we are. What do you think?

It is essential to find out what makes upset and try to get rid of it or at least let it influence your life less than it is right now in order to stay happy.
So agree – you have to get real, with yourself first.