25 Days of Blogmas 2018, Day 9

Blogger Spotlight: Meet Natasha 

On the ninth day of Blogmas
my true love sent to me: 
Day 9: Meet Natasha
Day 8: Blogger Spotlight
Day 7: Never Ever
Day 6: New Years Resolutions
5 Favorite Things!!
Day 4: Stocking Stuffers
Day 3: Holiday Getaways
Day 2: All Things Advent
and a Posting Explaining to Thee

We kick-off “Blogger Spotlight” week with Natasha, from @natashaliun. We actually decided to do something different. Instead of sending me a guest post, Natasha and I decided to collab. 

Meet Natasha

  1. What is your most memorable Christmas memory? Pulling out decorations for the Christmas tree.
  2. Your favorite Christmas present / toy ? My parents buy my stuff all year round; but, I really liked my Game Boy Color. It was purple.
  3. Where would you ideally spend Christmas if money was no object? Tokyo, Japan.
  4. Real tree or Fake tree and why? Both are good; but, the real tree is preferable. You can smell it and it brings good memories. Choosing the ideal tree would be an experience in itself.
  5. Do you have any Christmas traditions? Having family meals, and sometimes with family friends too.
  6. Why do you love Christmas? Celebrating the birth of Jesus and the hope He brings to us. Christmas is also a good way to catch up with friends and family who may have been out of touch.
  7. What is your favorite Christmas movie? How the Grinch Stole Christmas.
  8. What does your Christmas dinner feast look like? Roast chicken/beef/lamb/ham with gravy, mashed potatoes, bread, at least 2 types of pasta, and brussel sprouts.
  9. Ideal Christmas dessert: cookies or cake? Cookies

  10. Do you wait for Christmas Day or Christmas Eve to unwrap your gifts?I try to unwrap them Christmas Day; but, it depends on whether the gifts come wrapped or not.

And who is the girl behind the blog? Natasha Liun, a young professional with a passion for traveling and finding good food. Her blog is all about fun and food. She likes to go to places some people may miss or overlook.

One word that describes her and her blog: exploratory!

Social links: 
Blog: https://natashaliun.wixsite.com/natashali/blog
Twitter: https://twitter.com/natashaliun
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/natashaliun/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC39hqKHcF-qWuv9qxqJ6O1g
Email: faithliung@gmail.com

She sounds 100% relatable, don’t you think? Leave me a comment or two, I love hearing from you!

Happy Holidays, Happy Blogmas!

(Pstt Don’t forget to subscribe so that you don’t miss any of my Blogmas stories)

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  1. Thanks so much for being willing to collab with me. Hehe… “Blogger Spotlight” is off to a good start.

    1. My pleasure!!! Let the good times roll ! 🙂

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