25 Days of Blogmas 2018, Day 22

Santa: Myth or Legend?

On the twenty-second day of Blogmas
my true love sent to me: 
Day 22: Christmas Spirit
Day 21: A Blogmas Review for Thee
Day 20: Sunday Prepping
Day 19: Feel the Love
Day 18: Let’s go shopping
Day 17: Tips to Holiday Travel
Day 16: Meet Shanice
Day 15: Meet Lasonia
Day 14: Meet Erriel
Day 13: Meet Angeli
Day 12: Meet Javi
Day 11: Meet Girl on the Fly
Day 10: Meet Stephanie
Day 9: Meet Natasha
Day 8: Blogger Spotlight
Day 7: Never Ever
Day 6: New Years Resolutions
5 Favorite Things!!
Day 4: Stocking Stuffers
Day 3: Holiday Getaways
Day 2: All Things Advent
and a Posting Explaining to Thee!

It’s almost the end of Blogmas and the time has come to circle back to what this season is all about: giving, the spirit of Christmas. Fitting that my last posts would focus on the two most acclaimed figures associated with Christmas: Jesus Christ and Santa Claus. Both representing the true spirit of Christmas.

And yes, even I can’t believe I just put the Holy Savior and the bearded Jolly St. Nick in the same sentence. But, today we’re talking Santa as the perfect gift-giver prelude to Jesus Christ. We’re keeping the best for last.

Who comes to mind when you think Santa Claus? Is it the image of the Santa from Miracle on 34th Street or Tim Allen? Or perhaps you’re thinking claymation and Kris Kringle? The answer probably has a lot to do with how old you are and where you grew up.

But, regardless of who you identify for the role of St. Nick the truth is that Santa is indeed a legend hundreds of years old. He is not a myth at all. St. Nicholas was actually a fourth century Christian Bishop who lived somewhere in the region of present day Turkey.

Legend has it that his parents died when he was very young, leaving him a sizable fortune. St. Nicholas used his inheritance to provide for the sick and needy. But, it was only after his death that his gift-giving reputation grew and transformed into the legendary figure we know today as Santa Claus.

Stories about his kind acts and miracles spread throughout the world. He was known as the protector of children and sailors throughout Europe. And his feast day is celebrated on the anniversary of his death, December 6, 343.

But, it wasn’t until the 1800s that St. Nick morphed into the jolly ‘ole fella we imagine today. Father Christmas became a part of American Christmas tradition because of an 1800s poem and cartoon. And we have two New Yorkers to thank for that.

A poem published in 1820, “An Account of a Visit from St. Nicholas” by Clement Clarke Moore brought him to life. Cartoonist Thomas Nast that gave him a face with his 1881 rendition wearing that iconic red suit, white fur trim and black shiny boots.

At what age did you stop believing in Santa? And don’t you miss it?! Leave me a comment below, I’d absolutely love to hear from you!

Happy Holidays, Happy Blogmas!

(Pstt Don’t forget to subscribe so that you don’t miss any of my Blogmas stories)

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  1. This was so interesting to read, I never knew the history of St Nicolas and now I’m all clued up! Loving your dedication to blogmas too!

    Char xo

    1. Awwww thanks Char! Blogmas – crazy,fun,stress all rolled up into a nice, shiny Christmassy package. Thanks for stopping by! Merry Christmas!

  2. Great post about the history of St. Nicholas. My favorite story about this saint is that he saved a group of children from being pickeled! Merry Christmas!

    1. Aw thanks Beckie!! I love how the generous soul of St. Nick leads us to talking Jesus 🙂 Would you believe that not a lot of folks know the story of St. Nicholas? If only ….LOL, got my first dose with the Claymation Kris Kringle… #rememberwhen LOL Happy Holidays 🙂

  3. You absolutely killed #blogmas. Good Job!! Wonderful writing. Followed!

    1. OMgosh Beth – thanks!! It was hard work… not going to lie —- I am looking forward to putting this bad boy to rest!!! Happy Holidays 🙂

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