Summer Tag Q&A: It’s that time again!

An easy way to get to know your blogger family.

It’s officially summer and time for a Summer Tag Q&A my lovelies!! And to think, it all started last Fall when the fabulous trio at ALJ tagged me in a similar Q&A. It was love at first sight!

I instantly fell in love with the idea of using a question and answer mechanism for getting to know your blogging family. The rules are super simple: 5 questions, 10 tags. And voilà you’re on you’re way to adding some substance to those online friendships.

Remember when I wrote about building that virtual community? They are truly your lifeline, your support system and source for inspiration. Click here if you’re like me, having a squirrel moment.

Summer Tag Questions

1. When you think of summer, what does it remind you of?
2. What is your favorite summer trend?
3. When you think of summer, what drink comes to mind?
4. What is your favorite summer destination?
5. The moment of truth, is summer your favorite season?

When I think of summer it reminds me of…

My childhood. I have such wonderful summer memories. And oh so diverse!

I think of our picnics in Germany, France. Those long holiday breaks when we could enjoy 2 months out of school. My father would drive us down to Spain for the summer, we’d stop along the way. His long family station wagon. You could sit backwards in the last row seat… until you got dizzy with motion sickness! LOL.

Then I’m reminded of summers in our family house outside Madrid. El Tiemblo, El Burguillo, La Atalaya… Those were the days when you could play outside until it got dark. No one went missing. The worst that could happen is food poisoning from eating too many wild moras.

To this day, summer doesn’t disappoint.

My favorite summer trend…

Well, I actually have two! There’s the “alone time” summer trend. And the “family” summer trend. Both equally amazing!

I head home every summer to relive some of those wonderful childhood memories. Only I’ve created new ones over the last decade, far from Madrid… in Barcelona. I go back to enjoy euro life and plot my soon retirement.

And then there’s August. A time for a very special family tradition. I take my children down to South Padre Island. A place where I too created some wonderful memories with family and some crazy ones too during college Spring Breaks! Shhhhh! 😉

When I think of summer I think of…

Cava. Mimosas. Ahhhh, yes!

Cava is the brut Spanish equivalent of the French Champaign, the Italian Prosecco. Of course, they are all equally nice sparkling wines from their respective region’s grapes.

We tend to use Champaign as the catch-all bubbly like we would Kleenix. Both are brands. These sparklies are generally the same. Cava is probably most similar to Champs.

And for me, Cava is the perfect Mimosa pairing. Certainly, great any time; yet, my summer go-to drink.

My all time favorite summer destination is…

Spain. More specifically, the northeast coast of Spain. Barcelona is my compass. Sheer bliss from La Costa Daurada south of Barcelona and all the way up the opposite direction, La Costa Brava to L’Empordà, L’Escala just south of France. Sexy beaches, white sand, the clearest water. You’ll find a healthy mix of posh beach life and eau naturale fun, if you catch my drift.

It’s all breathtaking! Click here for a quick video of my coastal train trip back from Sitges last summer. The water – UHMAZING. You just want to dive off the train car. Oh, and by the way – my social pic where you see the back of me… yes, I’m deep in thought staring into the beauty that is a Catalán beach.

The moment of Summer Tag truth, summer is my…

Most favorite time of the year, next to glorious Christmas! I’m definitely a summertime, beach, tan-loving kinda gal.

Admittedly, I do also love the sky-scraper feel is why my heart belongs to Cataluña. The perfect mix of beautiful urban life nestled between mountains and sunny beaches. Consequently, it’s my slice of heaven on Earth and is where you can find me every summer.

Grace Prayer & Passports
Sitges 2018

Now I tag these wonderful friendships…

Lauren, Heidi, Nancy, Holly, Shanice, Lasonia, Nicole, Bailey, and the beautiful inspiring women behind Women with Gifts (LaNette) and ALJ (Abby, Lauren, Jordan). You were part of my new social circle when I started blogging. When I think back to last summer, I think of you.

@BGbloggers @30days30ways @HOLLYJBIRD @my_lifelines @faithnturtles @ImLasonia @BaileyLeahBlogs @ItsNicoleCarman @womenwithgifts @heidihourani 

What’s your favorite summer time memory? Leave me a comment below. As always, I love hearing from you!


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  1. I don’t think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.

  2. Great post! I love Summer, hope will reach Spain one day soon 😊 💛

    1. Thanks RoseMarie!! Be on the look out for my next piece – how to travel to Euro on a budget. You’ll be able to get to Sunny Spain sooner than you think!

      1. Oooooh! Spain, I like the sound of that 😊

  3. mary yowell says:

    Oh my lord I would love to go to Spain! It sounds so beautiful! Summers there sound so amazing!

    1. Yessssssssssss Mary! I just got back Saturday and as per usual… didn’t disappoint 🙂

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