Blogmas 2018 Has Arrived

And the world sits back to watch bloggers geek out and dive into a posting frenzy for 25 straight days.

That’s right! Blogmas is essentially the “Blogging Advent Calendar” for writers. Everyday bloggers from all corners of the world come together for one cause: post Christmassy content daily to their blogs.

It’s a celebration and challenge all rolled up into one beautiful event.  Ideas are free-flowing and there is content galore to read. It’s a creative explosion of sorts, a wonderful virtual gift exchange is why I could hardly resist! 

This is what you can expect: 

Over the next 24 days I will be posting every single day! The underlying theme will be Christmas. The content will be varied; but, true to who this faith-based girl boss is.

You’ll see posts about travel, food, book reviews, shopping, music, movies. You name it and I’ll put a Christmas spin on it!

But, my favorite part of Blogmas will be spotlighting some great fellow bloggers: 









I’ll make sure to have your post ready by mid-morning each day so that you can decide when to catch up with me. Will it be while you sip on your favorite morning frappe, perusing the latest and greatest Christmas story? Or will we call it a day together? Winter sofa-time 101: cozy up after a long day at work – warm blanket, rolling fire and a cup of hot coco or a hot toddy or two (wink).

So, are you as excited about Blogmas as I am? What are your Christmassy thoughts? Leave me some comments below, I love hearing from you! 

25 Days of Blogmas 2018 Posts

  1. Blogmas 2018 Has Arrived
  2. All Things Advent
  3. Holiday Getaways
  4. Stocking Stuffers
  5. Christmas Tag Q&A: 5 Favorite Things About Christmas
  6. New Year’s Resolutions
  7. Never Ever… or Have I Ever?
  8. Blogger Spotlight 
  9. Blogger Spotlight – Meet Natasha
  10. Blogger Spotlight – Meet Stephanie
  11. Blogger Spotlight – Meet Girl on the Fly
  12. Blogger Spotlight – Meet Javier
  13. Blogger Spotlight – Meet Angeli
  14. Blogger Spotlight – Meet Erriel
  15. Blogger Spotlight – Meet Lasonia
  16. Blogger Spotlight – Meet Shanice
  17. Holiday Travel Tips
  18. Last Minute Christmas Shopping Texas Style
  19. Feel the Love
  20. Sunday Prepping
  21. A Blogmas Review for Thee
  22. Santa: Myth or Legend?
  23. Hey There Christmas Chreasters
  24. Happy Birthday Jesus!
  25. Blogmas C’est Fini

(Pstt Don’t forget to subscribe so that you don’t miss any of my Blogmas stories)

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  1. Thank you for the spotlight opportunity. I am o so grateful. Also, Iā€™m excited to read the rest of entries. Iā€™m a bit late lol but Im catching up on what I missed.

    1. I’m just as excited! Can’t wait to spotlight you! Will be posting all about it tomorrow šŸ™‚

  2. Thank you for the spotlight. Bring on the blogmas stories. Now that I am subscribed, I can be sure to read every post.

    1. Am really excited to kickoff the “Blogger Spotlight” with you Natasha! Sunday Dec. 9th! Be on the look out šŸ™‚

  3. Joining you at 10:30pm so very much evening and well after work!
    I’m loving the opportunity to meet new bloggers too!
    Looking forward to your posts šŸ™‚

    1. Hey there Kay! Thanks for joining me šŸ™‚ I’ve just wrapped up Day 2 and have it scheduled to post at 8:30 am cst. Really appreciate your taking the time to share your thoughts!! Happy Holidays šŸ™‚

Hey there! I'd love to hear what you think!