Graceful-ish | Catholic Resource Guide

I’ve been blogging for a bit and realize that it’s about time I shared a Catholic resource guide with you. A sort of “one-stop shop” list of Godly tools I’ve been writing about thus far.

These are especially bleak, confusing times. The dreaded coronavirus has changed everything about our lives, even who we are. And yet, herein lies a great opportunity to get closer to God.

Now, I can write many posts about a Godly life; but, it all starts with you. You have to want something more for yourself than the angst social media and newscasters impose on you.

Let me help you get there.

Catholic Resource Guide

So, to make things a tad easier, I’ve put together a list of all the Godly posts I’ve written thus far. Some will educate; others will hopefully inspire you. The ultimate goal is to get you closer to God.

I did think about making two guides: a Christian one with it’s Catholic counterpart. That quickly seemed ridiculous. Does it really matter how I title this Godly resource?

Christian: a person who believes in Jesus Christ. A person who exemplifies in his or her life the teachings of Christ.

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

God First

Under the category tag of “faith” is where you’ll find the majority of my Godly work. Am listing them in no particular order. Just secretly wishing you’ll take time to peruse each one at your leisure.

Fun Facts

Don’t you just love “fun facts”? They’re like little intel nuggets of gold that can stimulate conversation and deepen a thirst to ask even more questions.

These are the Godly fun facts that I shared early on, hope they stir something in you:


Among the few reviews I’ve done, half have been of a Godly nature. And most of these posts can also be found in YouTube form. You can click here for some video options in my “YouTube Portfolio”. You’ll have quite a few to select from.

Get to know why these reviews are important to me, click here for the “Review” section introduction. I’ve also written a section about the review process. If you’re writing any reviews, you might read this.

Coronavirus and God

I thought it especially important to start a series based on the coronavirus and its impact on us, on our everyday life. Instead of feeling gloom and doom, I’m inspired to write and share ideas of how to navigate these waters.

Hope these help you, as well:

Godly Catch All

Last but not least, I’ve added three more important links to this Catholic resource guide.

One will explain the why. Another will shed light on the who. A third will bring us together.

So, there you have it. My Catholic Resource Guide, a one-stop shop for all your Christian needs.

Grab a glass or wine, sit back and get ready to learn a little bit more about God. You’ll thank me later.

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